Global Sales-Enablement Demonstration Program
Client: Supplier of high-definition touch solutions
Topic: Global sales enablement demonstration program
Our client:
- Was a company involved in supporting sales reps with demonstration gear for customer evaluation.
- Needed strategic and operational plans to enable the establishment of a global demonstration program.
- Wanted to acquire the necessary business processes to enhance traceability of assets, product utilization, asset recovery, and demand planning.
The challenges facing us were:
- Developing a systematic way to ensure all inventory records were visible to sales reps and traceable through demonstration orders.
- Dealing with the complexities of product configurations and testing requirements to ensure a successful demonstration.
- Developing a global business model focusing on increasing first-time fulfillment, improving capital asset utilization through increased inventory turns, and consolidating services to reduce costs.
To address these challenges we:
- Provided an in-depth analysis of current systems and worked with IT groups to establish an order entry system.
- Worked with product engineers to understand product complexities, testing requirements, and numerous technology types.
- Consolidated non-core business processes in order to reduce costs.
Our actions resulted in:
- Real-time visibility of inventory and demonstration orders.
- Same-day order fulfillment.
- An 80% increase in asset utilization.
- The establishment of an asset recovery program that ensured a steady flow of returned orders.